Author Archives: Slackers

Father’s Day 2021

Show Dad Some Love! Get him a gift he’ll really love, like that movie he’s been wanting to see, but can’t find on Netflix! Or maybe grab the CD with that song he’s been humming. Or help him fill the hours with a sweet 200 hour JRPG! We’ll help you out with a special Father’s…

Memorial Day 2021

This Memorial Day Weekend, you can buy 5 for $5 on all Bargain Bin CDs & DVDs! Cannot be combined with any other offer. Subject to manager approval. Some exclusions apply. See associate for details. No dealers. Valid May 29th-31st, 2021 only.

Mother’s Day 2021

Show Mom Some Love! Get her a gift she’ll really love, like that movie she’s been wanting to see, but can’t find on Netflix! Or maybe grab the CD with that song she’s been humming. Or help her fill the hours with a sweet 200 hour JRPG! We’ll help you out with a special Mother’s…

Star Wars Day 2021

May the 4th be with you! We love Star Wars at Slackers, so on May 4th, we’re going to give you 20% off* on all Star Wars merchandise!Escludes New Video Games. Other exclusions may apply. Sales replace regular Power Card Member offers where applicable and cannot be combined with any other offer. Not valid with…