About Slackers
In 1993 Slackers Music Movies Games was founded in downtown Columbia, Missouri, on Broadway Street, right smack dab in the middle of Middle America. Not just a record store and not just a gaming store, Slackers had the novel notion that people loved music, movies and games equally, so there needed to be a store to cater to them.
Slackers staffed its stores with music, game and movie aficionados who prided themselves not only on customer service but also on product knowledge. Slackers offered the opportunity to “Try before you buy,” where customers were able to play any video game and listen to any CD to see if they really liked it before they purchased it.
The idea was a success. Soon Slackers expanded to the St. Louis market (view locations) and has continued to grow and open new locations throughout the Midwest.
In addition to carrying the latest music, movie and game releases, both new and used, Slackers carries a wide array of catalog titles in CDs and DVDs, as well as VHS tapes, classic games and classic game systems, t-shirts, posters, Magic cards, vinyl, stickers, board games, trading cards and much, much more. How much more? Just browse around for yourself and you’ll find out.
Welcome to slackers.com…where playing around is serious business.